Parallel light rays produce shadows that all have the same length and density, providing further unity across multiple icons. The goal is to have a uniform lighting appearance across all icons and spotlight effects.
Icons in Windows Vista are either three-dimensional and shown in perspective as solid objects, or two-dimensional objects shown straight-on. These examples show different types of icons, including a three-dimensional object in perspective, a front-facing (flat) icon, and a toolbar icon. Moreover, this style of iconography works for high-resolution screens. This allows them to look great big or small, up-close or from a distance. These Windows Vista icons show optical balance and perceived accuracy in perspective and details.
The Windows Vista icons (the two on the left) are professional and beautiful, with attention to details that improve icon production quality. They are rendered rather than drawn, but are not completely photorealistic. The Windows Vista icons (the lock and key on the left) are authentic, crisp, and detailed. The following images depict what makes the Aero style of iconography in Windows Vista different from that used in Windows XP. Improve usability by making programs, objects, and actions easier to identify, learn, and find.

Aero aims to establish a design that is both professional and beautiful. Aero stands for: authentic, energetic, reflective, and open. Design conceptsĪero is the name for the user experience of Windows Vista, representing both the values embodied in the design of the aesthetics, as well as the vision behind the user interface (UI). Note: Guidelines related to standard icons are presented in a separate article. Windows Vista introduces a new style of iconography that brings a higher level of detail and sophistication to Windows. Icons are pictorial representations of objects, important not only for aesthetic reasons as part of the visual identity of a program, but also for utilitarian reasons as shorthand for conveying meaning that users perceive almost instantaneously. Much of the guidance still applies in principle, but the presentation and examples do not reflect our current design guidance.
This design guide was created for Windows 7 and has not been updated for newer versions of Windows.